Day 1 in Beijing
The Seoul airport, pretty neat place...
Beijing airport, myself riding the train, the driver was all over the place slowing down and speeding up for a good solid 8 minutes, I almost upchucked
Heading in the bus to the Olympic village... riding in the Olympic lane... only used by Olympic personnel. The other 2 lanes were a traffic jam.
Security checkpoint to get into the village... serious shit, just like an airport
Few of the antillian dutchies waiting for the bus to take us to tower A9 (our building) and check into our rooms for the first time
Our whole team occupying a bus on the way to our building, checking out the scenery and amazing village
The dining hall... holy shit, massive place. Can seat 10 thousand people easily. Saw a couple famous athletes (Cat Osterman (USA softball ace), Nalbandian(tennis player I guess)). Every kind of food you can think of, and McDonalds of course.
Free drinks... any and all we can drink, these fridges (iceboxes) are everywhere. We also received a coke chip, to get free drinks from any beverage machine in the olympic village... awesomeness.
Hey Leon,
Just found out about your blog. Fun stuff to read and watch! Enjoy your time in China and good luck in all the games.
Grtz, Folkwin.
Oh man. That's all, just: oh man.
Good luck in the Games, we'll be watching for you in the opening ceremonies for sure on Friday!
Yung sze sze,
Remember I'll be watching your ass. You better take the pitching staff bij the hand, cause when I'm watching at 3 am over here I want to see proper ball, thats why I wake up!!
Take good care and give TJ a big kiss....
holla at my classified boy
Hi there, I'm a Canadian (with Dutch heritage) and I love reading your experience preparing for the Olympics and being at the Olympics! I write a blog with my sisters and I hope you don't mind if I feature your blog today!
Good luck. I'm American so I can't cheer for you TOO much. ;)
Great blog and keep adding the pics - it's cool to see get an insider's view!
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