Today was awesome. Here's my day...
9 am, woke up with a minor hangover after playing pool for 4 and a half hour last night, and drinking a handful of Boulevard wheat ale beer (fairly local beer from Kansas city).
930 am, showered, ate 3 eggo's (strawberry jam on top) for breakfast, despite burning the first 2...
10 am, left for double-U t walmart. If you hadn't gotten there yet, double-U t stands for white trash.... yeah, this walmart is about 10 minutes away from here, and is packed with the most stereotypical white trash people. Non-stop crying babies, larger than life people, and tons of fancy southern accents/english.
12 pm, headed home to eat one of the biggest burgers ever. A local drive-thru place called lot-a-burger makes a large double patty double cheese burger, and it was huge... filled me up enough, and hooked me up with enough energy for the unforeseen afternoon energy putout.
1 pm, went to grandma Short's house to help her out with some painting of her shed's upper ledge... then headed to the other side of the yard to help with a collapsed shed, actually pretty much a small house. It was built before my wife's grandparents moved in there... needless to say we ran into a number of crazy huge black, hairy, spotted, marked and quick spiders. We managed to tear down about 30% of this thing, and empty out a lot of the shed's content, including many of Shorty's childhood artifacts which was neat to see.
5 pm, dean tired, grandma cooked us some country bean soup with cornbread and sweet tea, about as country a meal as you can find around these parts.
7 pm, got really pissed off at TBS because they had technical difficulties for the first 20 minutes of the Red Sox - Rays game (Boston won 4-2, oh hell yea, game 7 tomorrow night).
11 pm, Game over after more than 4 hours of delays, walks, commercials and just slow but exciting baseball.
12 pm (now), blogging, and watching my wife create a 11 x 17 inch version of next years scorecard that she does for me every time I pitch.
1 am, slappen (sleeping... in dutch)
Tomorrow, YMCA, long toss, big dinner (Tex Mex), Boston game, sleeeep (about to execute that right now too...)...
DAMN I wish I had pictures of today's events, would have been some good ones, inclcuding pictures of our bonfire getting out of hand and about burning the neighbors house down, a spider that can bite you and make your skin eat itself from the inside, a super-plump person getting Mickie-Dee's inside walmart, and 3 different typed of hornets flying around me in a 2 minute span... maybe next time.