First of all, we were the nerds that showed up at the tattoo place 5 minutes before they opened, so we were the first customers of the day. We got in after driving to get a orange juice and some cash for the tattoo down the street and came back to 'Eyewitness tattoos + piercings'. I went in hoping I could find a fella names Jake who did Shorty's back last year with the vine and flowers, but he had moved to Missouri to work at some other place. So, the first artist I talked to was a guy named Psycho. Yep, Psycho. He looked his name, and sounded like it too with his very low, drawn out, mono-tone, southern pronunciation of everything he was saying... until he found something funny and burst into a nervous-sounding, out of character laugh. I came in and showed Psycho the artwork my dad had put together after hours and hours of his sketches and pre-drawings, and he sketches out his own version, which was pretty much a photo-copy of my dads work, and I was happy about that.
After 25 minutes of setting up and my own nervousness sitting next to him watching all the preps and what not he got under way. It took just under an hour and wasn't nearly as painful as I had expected. He has been doing tattoo's for over 20 years, and you could tell by the slow and controlled hand movements while applying the artwork that he was a pro.
It turned out exactly as I had hoped, it's a spitting image of his sketch, and bring together all the symbols I wanted to portray beautifully.
So this was a big day for me, and I am proud to now wear a symbol like this on my right forearm.
Tattoo day, we were there a bit before they opened, so Shorty and I just chilled in the parking lot, apparently I'm getting a little nervous here.
Last picture of bare right forearm *sobs*.
Getting the black outline done, my first taste of a tattoo gun. I pretty much prepared myself for the worst, and it wasn't nearly as bad as I figured it would be painwise.
This is Psycho...
First photo of the finished product
Full body shot to get an idea of where it's at on my arm.
man that dude inkin you looks like he has partied pretty hard over the last 40 years.
I have to say Lee, I love it!!
Sean did a great job! (and the tattoo artist as well, of course)
It's a perfect combination of your 2 nationalities, one of the greatest experiences in your life, and your passion for bassball.
A lot of people say that they got "addicted" to getting tattoo's after they had their first done. So???????
Ciao, Jess
The odd bod... Yes, he told us how he used to work in Cali and partied with rockstars all the time and shit... he was pretty radical.
Jess... I don't know yet, I think it depends on how positive the reactions are... but I'm not thinking I'll get many more, but you never know....
i bet he was a roadie for motley crue or ratt
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