
Being a loner in a room for two...

Unfortunately things weren't able to work out in a manner that would enable Shorty to be here in Holland with me while I'm in my training stage before heading to Florida next week. She's currently spending some family time at her home in a small town in the middle of the US. It seems oddly calm in this house without the both of us here together. Actually it's probably the same for her and either one of us, where ever we are. We have become accustomed to being with eachother a lot over the past couple years. I miss her here, and can't wait for the silence to be gone.

She is my better half, she does stick by my side through thick and thin (or else we wouldn't be married and to the point we are now at in our lives), she keeps me in line when need be, she has the ability to hear what I'm thinking, she is the beautiful woman I envisioned myself (growing up) some day marrying and spending the rest of my life with.

Happy Valentine's day baby...

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